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The spoon theory

    We all have a certain amount of energy for each day. When we are in balance, are thriving and motivated, it feels like we have endless energy. If we have stress or pain in our lifes, the energy is limited.

    We all have stressors in our lives: Starting at the university, mooving to another city, not having your friends around you etc. If you have a headache or haven’t slept enough your energy levels are not optimal.  All those stressors are temporary.

    Imagine you for some reason have cronic pain. The pain could be sensory from a sicknes or a condition. The pain could be emotional from minority stress of some kind. Feeling relief is often just temporary and not always a sustainable solution. The pain eats of your energy and causing you to underperform.

    The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino describes it the best!

    Whether you have a cronic bodily condition, an invissible disability or belong to a minority you might want to find “your tribe” where you feel understood and dont have to explain your differentness.

    Find your way of healing, compensating or economising with your energy. Then you will excel outwards as well.

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